Pat found great satisfaction in the fact that he made the list of things that Adeline is thankful for but I got beat out by her Elsa Doll, coloring, and riding her scooter (which I'm certain was purely an oversight on her behalf).
I found more humor in the creation she came home with the following day. At school they gave the kids a Cub Foods ad and told them to glue everything they needed for their Thanksgiving feast on to the plate. She's got flowers, jello, meat, peas, cauliflower, ornamental trees to decorate the table, yogurt, oranges for Mommy, and can you make out what she has for Daddy near the top of the plate? Continue to scroll down for a close up view.
Here's what she glued on just for Daddy (somebody must have already scored the Coors Light!) I can just about imagine what they think of us over at her school!