Friday, March 29, 2013


Isn't it funny how good 45 degrees feels in the Spring when the same exact temperature in the Fall has us digging out our long johns and turtlenecks?

Pat and I enjoyed our first drinks of 2013 out on the deck this evening after dinner (although  by the time I got around to taking this shot I was already on my 2nd and Pat was on his 3rd or 4th).  Hey, it's Friday!

As we enjoyed the sunny evening, some good music, and each other's company, we both noticed that when we looked upward and tilted our heads at a 45 degree angle to the right, the airplane exhaust patterns in the sky appeared to have formed the letters A and T.  My hubby kept hoping that a plane would arrive and create the first letter of his name....but it just didn't happen.

With the help of Photoshop, however, anything is possible!

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