Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Day Of Fun With Dad

Yesterday Pat treated each of the big kids to a half a day of fun.  We do lots of things together as a family, but these one on one times are also important.  Besides, 8 and 9 year old siblings tend to spend the majority of their day fighting with one another, so keeping them apart for the day gave everyone a break!

Careline spent her morning with Dad horseback riding.  She really had a good time and I'm sure will be begging to do it again sometime soon.  I'm not sure Pat will be ready to go back anytime soon as spending an hour on horseback didn't feel so good on his 42 year old bones.

In the afternoon it was Buddy's opportunity to get in on the fun.  He and Daddy went go-cart racing and played a round of mini golf.

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