Thursday, July 4, 2013

The End Of The Summer Soccer Season

Careline got the scoring started just moments in to the Packers last game of the Summer of 2013 soccer season on Tuesday evening.  The goal was her 10th goal of the season.  She had at least the same amount and actually probably more assists to her credit for the year.  She truly is a team player who is always far more concerned about the overall outcome of the game than of her personal stats.

It has been Careline's mission to get the ball to her good friend Ella as often as possible for the past few games because Ella hadn't scored yet this year.  At Tuesday's game the rest of the team joined in on the mission and by golly Ella scored!  How sweet is this photo of the girls celebrating with her?!

After the game, the girls posed with Abby's Dad, SuperMan/SuperFan, Andy.  The Packers should be proud of their regular season record of 7 wins, 2 losses, and 1 tie.

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