Friday, February 27, 2015

The Dells

We just returned this afternoon from a quick three day two night family vacation to the Wisconsin Dells.  As always is the case when we visit the Waterpark Capital of the World, a fun time was had by all!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Queen of the Toy Machine

It's a good thing that Buddy's hockey season is just about over because Adeline has spent a small fortune this Winter on toys and treats at the rink.  She's deserved the treats she got though...she has spent countless hours at sporting events for her siblings over the years and really is their biggest littlest fan.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday

First thing this morning Careline proclaimed to me that she was giving up playing the Wii for Lent.  She had thought long and hard about what sacrifice she could make this Lenten season and decided that not playing the Wii, something she typically does for a bit on a daily basis, was her choice.  I reminded her that Lent is a long time but she answered, "I can do anything for God".  What a good little Catholic girl she is.

Braden, on the other hand.  When I told him that we would be attending church this evening he asked me if today is a Holy Day of Obligation.  I told him yes and thought the conversation was over.  Less than a minute later he produced evidence to the contrary.  Right there on Page 82 of his religion book, listed in the purple box, are all of the Holy Days of Obligation and Ash Wednesday is not one of them.  Only Buddy would produce evidence in an effort to get out of going to church.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Winter Sports Season Is Drawing To A Close

There are now just a couple weeks left this season of hockey for Braden and basketball for Careline.  I tell you what, it's sure helped to make the Winter fly by with all the running we've been doing from one athletic event to another.  I couldn't be more proud of how well each of them played this Winter.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Grandpa Jerry's Birthday

I'm sure there's a big ole party going on up there in Heaven right now as today is Grandpa Jerry's birthday and he never let a birthday pass uncelebrated.  Happy Birthday Jer.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mayor's Youth Task Force

Buddy and his fellow Student Council peeps gathered this afternoon at a local Italian restaurant with the SSP Mayor and other city officials.  The kids were treated to pizza and pop in appreciation for their participation in Student Council this year and were given tips and pointers on how they can continue to be leaders in our community.  How cool.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

2nd Place

Congratulations to Buddy and his SSP teammates for claiming 2nd place this weekend in the Willmar hockey tournament. 

Only Pat and Buddy made the trek to Willmar as Careline had a basketball game in the cities on Saturday and oh yeah, it wouldn't have been fun to stuff 5 of us in a tiny hotel room for 2 nights.

I hear that I missed some really good games.  On Friday night, the centers (Buddy is one of the centers) and all of the forwards from both of our lines scored in a 6-0 shutout of the hometown team.  The Saturday game sounded extra exciting.  We were down 4 nothing to Sioux Falls.  Then Buddy turned things in the other direction and got a goal for SSP.  That goal was followed by 2 more from his teammates before Braden tied it up and with just minutes to go scored the winning goal (a hat trick).  Unfortunately it was not meant to be that we win the entire tournament and we suffered our only loss today, but the boys should be proud of a weekend well spent. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Careline's First Band Concert

Careline is a percussionist in the Kaposia Band.  This past week she and her classmates put on their very first band concert.  Hope you enjoyed the video of them performing Old Gray Goose.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Fresh Coat Of Snow

As much as I dislike snow even I can admit that a fresh coat of snow makes it look really pretty outside.  A little bit goes a long way though!