Monday, April 29, 2013

Sending Birthday Balloons To Heaven For Bubba

Today would have marked Dad's 66th birthday so last night the kids each let off a balloon that we hope will make its way to Heaven for Bubba today.  The fact that Adeline didn't even give a second thought to letting an Elmo balloon leave this Earth shows just how much she loves the man she never even got the chance to meet in person.

The balloon that Careline let go immediately got tangled, in of all places, in the Bubba Tree.  I took it as a sign from Bubba, if you will, a hug for the amazing job she did presenting a scholarship in his honor earlier in the day.

Off it goes after she set it free...

Can you still see it?  Here it's well on its way to Bubba.  We love you Dad!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Brad Carel Memorial Scholarship

This afternoon Mom, Krista, Careline, and I went to Northfield to present this years $1,000 Brad Carel Memorial Scholarship to a graduating Senior.  We awarded this years scholarship to Joseph Donahoe.  Next year he will be attending the University of Minnesota (Go Gophers!).

Careline actually presented the award this year.  She stood up on stage alongside myself and Krista and read the following speech clearly and confidently in front of an auditorium full of people.  It was a special moment:

My name is Careline.  Brad Carel was my Grandpa (or Bubba as us Grandkids knew him).  Bubba was a 1965 graduate of Northfield High School.  He was a gifted athlete who played football, basketball, and track and field.  My Grandma, Mom, and Aunt tell me that even though he moved away from Northfield after high school, he read the Northfield News every week and kept up especially with the sports.  Even though I was just 3 years old when a sudden heart attack took Bubba away from our family, I will always remember him because he was the best.  The Carel family is proud to present this scholarship to Joseph and we wish him the best of luck.

A big reason why we chose Joseph is because he is a pole vaulter, just like Dad was.  How awesome is this photo of him that was in the local newspaper?!

And here's a photo of Dad vaulting when he was in high school.  Joseph was quite impressed when I told him that Dad placed 7th in the Nation when he was his age.

Cute Kid Story

Yesterday Pat was doing some Spring cleaning in the garage and found that someone had made a bit of a mess.  He went to Adeline, the suspected culprit, but she immediately put the blame on "Buddy Robert".  We found it amusing that she called him Buddy Robert instead of Braden Robert...and really, I don't think we often even call him by his first and middle names, but she sure knew what his middle name is.

It's for memories like this one that I'm glad to have this blog.

Friday, April 26, 2013

"Big Red"

Pat bought himself a new grill this Spring and since the snow FINALLY melted off the deck, he was able to get out there and use it for the first time last night.  It was just brats and hot dogs for the inaugural grilling (and even they were good) but on the menu for the weekend: steaks tonight, chicken tomorrow, and ribs on Sunday.  And I wonder why I'm always struggling with my weight.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

2nd Annual Bean Growing Contest

For the second Spring in a row, a bunch of us at work planted bean seeds a couple of weeks ago in the hopes of growing the biggest and the best bean stalks.  I'm happy with how my plants look less than two weeks in to this contest and I'm certain that I'll have beans to bring home to Careline again this year.

Thank You to Rebecca who continues to make it her mission to organize contests and events that make work a fun place to be.  We actually do get things done around there too (well, most of us do anyway) but we just have a darn good time doing it!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Stairway Snooze

Adeline sure chose an interesting spot to take her nap on Sunday.  This kid is willing to sleep just about anywhere....but in her bed!

New Wheels

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Visit From Baby Gwendolyn

Careline has been itching to meet baby Gwendolyn ever since I got the chance to meet her last month.  Careline has her Mama's love for babies in her blood.  Lucky for her, Gwendolyn's Mom and Dad brought her over yesterday morning for a little visit.

Even Adeline got a turn holding the cute little baby.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

That's My Boy!

My day started out on a fabulous note today thanks to Buddy.  First thing this morning I received an email from his Teacher stating that, and I quote, "Braden ROCKED the nationwide math exam given to all students  and scored the highest in his class."  Way to make your Mama proud!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How "Tweet" It Is

Did you happen to notice all of the Robin's out today?  It was by no means warm out there but at least it was nice and sunny with blue skies overhead.  They'll probably go back in hiding tomorrow as we're due for more rain and snow.

Will this Winter ever end?!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Art By Adeline

Adeline comes home every single day from Day School (and don't you dare call it daycare...she'll correct you every single time) with cool pieces of art that she's created.  My very favorite ones are ones like this one where her very own painted handprint was used in the creation of the masterpiece.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Good Luck to my alma mater, St Cloud State University, as the hockey team plays in the Frozen Four today with the winner advancing to the national championship game.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bike Riding

I came home this afternoon to a cool surprise...Braden taught himself how to ride a bike today.  Yes, I'm well aware that most 8 year olds have known how to ride a bicycle for years already by this point, but Buddy has never been interested in it until now and has never attempted long enough to get the balance thing...but when he decided today that he was going to ride his bike, that's exactly what he did.  He's so sweet...he told me that he decided that now was the time so that he can ride alongside to keep me company when I go for a run.  Awwww...what a kid!

Here's a close-up of the proud new bike rider (who obviously ate an OREO before his bike ride....and how he manages to get it all over his face every single time, I'll never know!)

Adeline is also having a lot of fun these days riding the new tricycle that the Kay's gave her for her birthday.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

On The Road Again

I'm thrilled to be able to report that after months of suffering pain in my left foot due to a serious case of plantar fasciitis, with the addition of my custom made shoe inserts I'm finally feeling better and have started running again.  There's no better exercise for me than running as it's good for my body and my soul.  How so, you ask....running along by myself alone to think about whatever I want to or nothing at's just so darn peaceful.  And it's an added bonus that my clothes just fit better and I feel better too!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Barely Hanging On

Something tells me that Buddy is going to have a toothless grin very very soon!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Here's a few photos I took using my iPhone in Duluth today. Not sure what was up with the foreigner who stripped down to his speedo and jumped in Lake Superior...he must have been crossing an item off his bucket list.

Now if you'll please excuse me, I'm going to enjoy some famous Grandma's Wild Rice soup.